13 Jan 2010

I See You

It's been a while since I've last posted on here, hectic festive period. But I thought I'd make my return with a post about the film of the year...Avatar. As a creative chap I was of course very eager to see this groundbreaking film. 10 years in the making and man was it worth it!

3D cinema has fully arrived with this blockbuster, and I think that this has changed cinema forever. Whilst Avatar wasn't consistently jumping out of the screen at you, I was fascinated by the depth on screen. During the forest explorations, it really felt like you were there. This engrossed the audience and resonated with the child like fantasy that still lies deep down within us all. This is a really rare quality to find.

The night scenes were simply visually stunning. A neon world of beauty and nature. It is without doubt the most impressive film I have ever seen in terms of aesthetics and effects. Unparalleled animation coupled with, in all honesty a really solid storyline as well. Every character was convincing, and it wasn't obvious what was going to happen right the way through.

I'm really excited to see what the future holds for this genre. The 3D experience can only escalate from here?

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