20 Jan 2010


I recently came across a quite stunning photographer, called Eugenio Recuenco. The Spaniard has developed a fantastic portfolio of work, with diverse themes running throughout. Many of his shots are really elaborate. He tends to build up a whole story within a single frame. Recuenco creates highly art directed pieces which can immerse you, pulling you into the scene and forcing you to question everything. There certainly is a lot of depth to his work.

As his fame has grown, so has his budget. Many of his works contain a multitude of strange and exotic props. There also seems to be more and more models included in each shot, which I feel shows that Eugenio is trying to incorporate more in his images, telling bigger stories and expressing more.

As well as individual scenes, Recuenco also creates photographic series. These resemble film stills, and act as an alternative platform for story telling. These images are too large for me to include here but I highly recommend you take a look for yourself at http://www.eugeniorecuenco.com/

His work really is fantastic, and his style - instantly recognisable

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