9 Dec 2009


It's been up for a while now, and I think it's about time I looked for a bit of feedback.

I know it's not the most elaborate of websites, and there are one or two compositional issues which are currently being addressed...but I intended for my website to be functional, concise, and proffesional. Do you think that this has been achieved?

Any feedback would be great, whether you like it or not, let me know! Any pointers as to how it could be improved will be most welcome.


  1. Unfortunately the build quality of your website lets down your portfolio.

    One thing you definately have to address is your missing page titles.

    You should also try and look into using CSS as an alternative to tables with regards to your page layout; tables are no longer accepted for use with layout as they compromise accessibility.

    It would also help greatly to use real text instead of graphical text (jpegs etc), one of many reasons is that search engine spiders cannot read the text in your images and therefore will not be able to index your pages properly thus reducing the amount of traffic you will receive.

    Those are a few areas you should consider. Unfortunately it is quite obvious that the website was DIY built.

    If the above confuses you, you should read up it or consider seeking proffessional advice.

    On the plus side, you have good portfolio content and your blog is highly active which is great. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for the feedback, I'll look into it over the coming weeks. I'll be posting about any changes that I make

  3. I'm reconstructing the website as I speak. The general layout and theme is remaining the same...but it's going to look a lot more proffesional. Smoother text, better juxtaposition, and just better all round really. I just need to work on the portfolio section, and then link up all my pages together. Things are going a lot better this time around...practice makes perfect hey
