9 Dec 2009

Book him ref

I thought it was about time I blogged about some of my own work for a change. Here is a selection of pages from a book that I have recently produced. My concept was based around creating the artwork for an album of my life. I've loosely based my ideas on album artwork, drawing inspiration from a range of artists and photographers to create something that I feel really reflects me both as a designer and a person.
The text may seem a little odd or vague, but this is because I've tried to blend the concept of song lyrics with my own personal thoughts and feelings. This I feel has added some depth to the imagery, and allows the audience to look at things from a different perspective.
I've tried not to over complicate the pages, and utilise the space I had effectively. With a CD booklet sized scale, space was a great concern for me. But I think that the space has been filled nicely; not too compressed, and not exactly bare either.
When it came to choosing a colour scheme, I looked to restrict myself as much as possible. Much of this book comprises of black and white, and pale shades of colour. This way, when I have opted for bright colours it really stands out. This limited swatch has helped to maintain a quite serious tone throughout the book, which was always one of my aims. I wanted the pages to share a consistent personality.

1 comment:

  1. This looks really good Rob, I'd like to see more! I especially love what you've done with the image on the tranquility page and how you've placed the typography here. I think the concept of an album of your life combining your thoughts with lyrics works really well when showing your design style together with your personality and interests.

