8 Dec 2009

Smoke On The Water

I stumbled upon this photographer a little while ago, and I became fascinated.
His name is Graham Jeffery, and as you can see, his photographs are absolutely beautiful. He captures smoke and blends it with bright, vibrant colours. These colours help to compliment the spiralling effects which are created by the natural spontaneity of smoke. This creates a really tranquil image which I could just look at forever.

Surely I'm not the only one who is visually stimulated by these photographs?


  1. I love these images! Can't help but stare. Really good effect on the photography. Does he have a website?

  2. I think you're missing the point. This is a blog to promote Rob.

  3. really beautiful images! kind of looks like ink in water rather than smoke.
    definitely inspiring to think about subjects to take photos of.


  4. These images are fantastic. I think as humans we are fascinated by the mystic of fire and smoke!
