19 Nov 2009


It only seems appropriate to begin blogging by talking a bit about one of my favourite websites - hydro74.com
I came across Joshua Smiths site a couple of years ago now during college, yet I still find myself coming back for more! I just really love the gloss and general attitude of his work, it's so striking. His typographic and poster work in particular look immense. When looking through his extensive portfolio, it's clear to see that some pretty impressive commisions have came his way over the years...I'm highly jealous.
What do you think of his work? Admittedly it is an acquired taste, prehaps not one for the purests amongst you. There is clearly a very brash, americanised feel going on. For me, it is very good graphic design. I think it's highly important for you to develop a distinct style as a designer, it gives your work that sense of instant recongition. This is something I'd love to achieve one day...for now, I think I'm still searching for my niche.
Thats it for my first post, short and sweet. I jsut wanted to share this brilliant catalogue of work with you all...
Keep up the good work Josh.

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