10 Feb 2010


I took a trip down to London this weekend, mostly to watch my team (proudly) fall to defeat at Stamford Bridge. But while I was down there, I noticed a poster on the tube for a digital design exhibition at the V&A called "Decode". This took my interest, especially since taking the digital design module last semester. It was honestly one of the best exhibitions I have ever been to. The interactivity, innovation, and originality on show was incredible. It was such a fun experience to see people from all backgrounds and cultures coming together and really having genuine fun with art. Far too often I think people feel restricted in galleries. Be quiet...don't take photographs, walk around slowly from piece to piece - remarking on how inspirational it all is. I appreciate this element to galleries, and it is nice to be somewhere peaceful...but this environment I found to be very refreshing, and shown art to be as it should...a pleasurable and accessible tactile experience.

Above are a few snaps I took while I was in there...I think the exhibitions open for about a month more so hurry down if you get the chance...its not one to miss.

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